Credit agreements: You must get a notice before being sued
“I received a summons today from a credit provider that gave me a
personal loan. I admit that I have missed a payment or two on the loan,
but did not think that I was that far behind. Surely they must at least
have called me or written a letter asking me to pay up before running to
court? It’s not even a big amount outstanding and now I may have to pay
legal costs as well.”
As a consumer you have certain rights provided by the National Credit
Act (“NCA”) which do not fall away when you default on your credit
agreement. Section 129 of the NCA determines some of these rights by
obliging credit providers to provide written notice to a consumer when
that consumer defaults on payments under a credit agreement such as your
personal loan. This notice therefore serves to warn you of oncoming
litigation and a possible judgment against your name as well as
informing you of possible steps to take to avoid further legal action.
Simply put, this letter should assist you in planning your way forward
and allow you to remedy your default and avoid legal steps which are
expensive, time consuming and stressful.
A Section 129 notice must always precede any litigation involving the
enforcement of a credit agreement, and it has recently been confirmed by
our courts that a credit provider cannot simply attach this notice to
your summons, as this would defeat the purpose of the notice.
A typical Section 129 notice (letter) should notify you that you are in
default with your obligations under the credit agreement and will
propose that you refer the credit agreement to a debt counsellor,
alternative dispute resolution agent, consumer court or ombud with
jurisdiction, with the intent that the parties resolve any dispute under
the agreement or develop and agree on a plan to bring the payments
under the agreement up to date.
Despite your rights, it remains important to recognise that if you are
indeed in default, a failure by your credit provider to give you this
notice does not extinguish their claim against you or excuse your
default. It will only delay their enforcement of their rights under the
credit agreement against you, and a court will afford you some time to
make plans of repayment or to seek the advice of the above
To help you enforce your rights and correspond with your credit
provider, you may consider approaching an attorney for assistance.
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